Terms and Conditions
Express Voluntary Assumption of Risk - For All Sessions.
Participation in the activities at Yorkshire Wildlings carries with it certain inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries. The specific risks vary from one activity to another, and range from minor injuries such as scratches, bruises and sprains to major injuries as well as paralysis and death. I acknowledge the risks involved in the activities conducted at Yorkshire Wildlings. These risks or dangers may be caused by other participants, or by accidents, or by forces of nature or other causes. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to ensure that my child participates only in those activities for which he/she has the required skills.
Permission to receive first aid - All Sessions.
I understand that participation in activities can expose the named participant to risk and possible injuries. I understand that there is a qualified First Aid attendant on site and hereby consent to receive medical treatment, including transportation to a doctor or hospital, which may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident and/or illness during this activity.
Appropriate clothing - All Sessions.
I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that my child is dressed appropriately for each activity and acknowledge that I have been briefed on the recommended attire.
Inclement and dangerous weather -All sessions and activities.
Due to the location and nature of our forest learning sessions, the weather has the potential to impact participants’ safety. I recognise that Yorkshire Wildlings reserves the right to cancel/implement alternative activities in the event of inclement and undesirable weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
Responsibility for personal possessions - All sessions.
I understand that I have the sole responsibility for my own and my child’s personal possessions before, during and after the program.
Parental Supervision - Stay and Play Sessions and Birthday Parties:
Yorkshire Wildlings does not take responsibility for the supervision of your child, whilst at stay and play sessions and birthday parties. We are here to facilitate open learning and play. Where an activity carries an element of risk, a full safety instruction brief will be given to participants. Where appropriate, staff will lead activities to minimise risk to participants.
A risk assessment of each activity and the site is undertaken and on file.
I acknowledge that I must always supervise the activities of my child during these programs, and that instructions given by staff should be listened and adhered to at all times.
I acknowledge that some parents may not want to have their children’s photos taken and will be mindful and respectful of this.
Holiday Camps:
I agree to send my child with a packed lunch and drink appropriate to their need.
No electronic devices are permitted on camp at any time for use by participants. Children will be asked to return these to parents at the beginning of camp. We reserve the right to decline participants attending camp if this request is refused.
(We know, this seems severe, but we accept no liability for these items if brought to camp. It also ensures that any safeguarding issues pertaining to children with no social media presence is controlled - happy to discuss with you further.)
Drop off and pick up - Holiday camps only.
I agree to drop off and collect my child at stated agreed times. If running late, I agree to let staff know at my earliest convenience, or make alternate arrangement for my child to be collected.
I agree to provide emergency contact details, in case of any emergency or issues requiring my attention.
Welfare and safeguarding of your child - Holiday Camps.
We take safeguarding and welfare of your child seriously, and strive to ensure a pleasant safe environment at all times.
Whilst on site, Yorkshire Wildlings assumes responsibility for the welfare and safety of your child.
I agree that first aid can be administered as appropriate.
Staff are first aid trained and have undertaken safeguarding training and have DBS checks undertaken at an appropriate level.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for Yorkshire Wildlings is Tom Slack.
A full site risk assessment and assessment of activities has been undertake and is on file.
A safety brief and instructions will be given to participants before starting activities, and participants will remain under supervision by staff at all times, including any break and lunch times.
An accident book, and near miss learning log is on site at all times, and reviewed regularly.
Behaviours including fighting and bullying will result in termination of any future sessions by my child, and I will be required to collect them from camp at the request of Yorkshire Wildlings.
Complaints and Feedback
If you or your child experience any issues whilst attending any event, please contact a member of the team in confidence.
We welcome any chance to grow and learn, be this negative or positive.